My Name is Richard After serious heart surgery I chose to retire early and move to Leeds, 90 miles away from my friends. I’ve had a lifelong interest in photography, and before the death of my best friend, used to go out for the day with the cameras and have fun. Then all this came to an end. I had no one to accompany me. I was in an unfamiliar area, with no friends. So despite the many interesting subjects to capture, I was unable to go out on photographic expeditions on my own, especially given my medical condition. Which is where Martin from Health for All came in! My sister- in-law, knowing my situation, gave me a newspaper clipping advertising the photography course. I phoned and the rest as they say is history. Suddenly I had new friends with common interests, somewhere welcoming to go, doing things again, electronics, computers, amateur radio and recycling. I’ve never looked back, companionship is something you cant put a price on. Health for All literally changed my life around.