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At Health for All any financial donations we receive go directly towards our projects and services. Here’s what your donations enable us to do:

  • £10

    Buys a heating token which keeps an isolated care leaver warm and supports them as they embark on life outside the care system.

  • £20

    Buys tools for a regular gardening group which supports men at risk of social isolation and suicide and helps us break down barriers around mental health

  • £50

    Buys kitchen utensils for our weekly luncheon clubs for older people which provide much needed social interaction and companionship.

As a grassroots charity, we keep overheads to a minimum, maximising the positive impact of donations on people’s lives. Our reports and publications provide detailed information on how we’re funded and how we spend the money.

To donate or to support us when you shop online at no cost to you please visit Give as you live 

give as you live