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Young people

Our Teen Spirit boys and Teen Spirit girls groups are places for young people to build confidence, self-esteem, learn new skills and build social bonds through activities such as sports, cooking, art, trips, and community projects.

Take part in Teen Spirit Boys

The group is open to boys aged 13-19 who live in south Leeds, including young dads from the local area. To join us, contact Sharon Bottomley or Alison Reynolds on 0113 2762386 for further information or email

Take part in Teen Spirit Girls

The group is open to girls aged 13 to 19 years, living in south Leeds. To join us, contact Jill Bottomley on 0113 2762386 for further information or email for more information.


Teen Spirit Girls

Supporting young people at risk of violence

Working within the context of Reparation, we identify ways of providing opportunities for young people to make a positive contribution to their community. These include working on environmental projects, helping older people, people with disabilities, delivering leaflets for a charity or volunteering for local projects. We do this by working restoratively with the young people to reduce the risk of violence, further offending and support them face up to the consequences. This work has built on the success of our current Positive Destinations project, Child Sexual Exploitation work, targeted Teenspirit groups, Bangla Square youth work and work with young care leavers. For more information contact our young people and families team on 0113 2762386 or email