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Active Clubs Experience

The HFA Active Clubs Experience (ACE) service educates children and families on the importance of active lifestyles and inspires an enthusiasm for being active throughout life.

Through non-traditional sporting activities, ACE successfully engages children from disadvantaged backgrounds in weekly multi sports sessions especially those who, ordinarily, wouldn’t be part of sport activities. We also regularly provide access to new opportunities including inter-school tournaments and residentials. ACE is a partner of Change4Life and One You Leedscampaigns.

Training future ACE leaders

Part of ACE’s goal is creating a self-sustaining programme that enables young people themselves to deliver the ACE weekly sessions in schools and community settings. Young coaches are known as Sports Leaders and are recruited, trained and supported by HFA with many progressing to pursue sports coaching as a career choice.

Why hire ACE?

  • Half term and holiday programmes available
  • We offer residentials and trips
  • Experienced teachers – listed on Leeds City Council’s Approved Coaches List
  • Free equipment to support activity
  • Can be project-specific to tie in to wider health campaigns
  • Provide Accredited Sports Leadership Courses, Level 1 and 2
  • Cost efficient

To find out how ACE could help your child, school or community contact Richard Weaver on 0113 2706903 or email richard.weaver@healthforall.org.uk.
