Showing search results for '23'
Safeguarding policy
The health for all safeguarding policies are available to view below. Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy – Oct 23 Safeguarding Adults At Risk October 2023
The Bridge Learning Disability Services & The Bridge Cafe
The Bridge Learning Disability Services & The Bridge Cafe The Bridge Learning Disability Services Based at Holbeck Community Centre, Health for All’s The Bridge is a friendly small scale day service for adults with learning disabilities. We are open from 9.00-3.00pm, …more
Positive Destinations
Positive Destinations We believe an important way to achieve real change in young people’s lives is by using a ‘whole family approach’. Our Positive Destinations project works with young people aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training (NEET) who …more
Middleton Family Centre
Originally Trevor Stubbs House, a refuge for homeless young women, then refurbished with Surestart funding as part of the Middleton SureStart programme, Middleton Family Centre is owned by Health for All, home to many of our young people and family …more
Mental health and Wellbeing Support
Mental health and wellbeing support Health for All is a community partner of Live Well Leeds, a city wide community based mental health service. We work with people who have mild to moderate mental health challenges. Through 1-2-1 and group …more
CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Boys Project
CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Boys Project Our Positive Futures project supports young males around inner city south Leeds who are at risk of, or have experienced, child sexual exploitation and those who are involved in risk taking behaviours. We support …more